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A notebook with the words Field Notes on the cover and a red pencil

Lessons My Mentor Taught Me

Category: Code, Educational

My coding mentor is freakin’ awesome, and he’s taught me a TON. These are the top three lessons I find myself coming back to myself most often as well as sharing with the members of my cohort and other code learners. Grab a pen; you’ll want to take notes.

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banners strung across the wall that read Everyone Can Code

The Boot Camp Diaries Week 2: Am I Cut Out for This?

Category: Boot Camp Diaries, Code

My second week of boot camp at LEARN Academy! What happens when getting stuck and having success roll in on top of each other so quickly that you can’t figure out whether you’re making progress or not? Read all about it right here.

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banners strung across the wall that read Everyone Can Code

The Boot Camp Diaries Week 1: JavaScript, Pair Coding, and Project Management – Oh My!

Category: Boot Camp Diaries, Code

I survived Week One of coding boot camp at LEARN Academy! In this post I talk about first day jitters, the joys (and strifes) of pair programming, and a typical day in the life of a coding boot camper and remotely-working project manager.

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banners strung across the wall that read Everyone Can Code

I’m Doing a Coding Boot Camp! Here’s Why

Category: Boot Camp Diaries, Code

I’ve enrolled in a coding boot camp called LEARN Academy! I’ll be giving you the inside scoop on what a boot camp is really like via a series of posts called The Boot Camp Diaries (recommended reading if you’re considering taking the plunge!)

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Code & Copy Companions – My Deskorations

Category: Just For Fun

My partner calls me a hoarder, but I prefer “collector and curator of jazzy knick knacks”. In this post I give you the inside scoop on the objects I keep on my desk that serve no purpose except to make me smile and feel happy when I look at them.

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a phone, a laptop and a mouse in a neat row, with a pair of black-frame glasses resting on the closed laptop

Five More Learn-to-Code Resources

Category: Code, Educational

Whether you’re a code newbie looking for a leg up or an OG in search of a refresher, here are five more learn-to-code resources to add to your bookmark bar. Pro tip: make a folder on your bookmark bar, and stay tuned here for even MORE resources!

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How to Pack for Business Travel

Category: Educational, Just For Fun

I have long considered myself an expert packer, but when I started having to pack for business trips, I really leveled up. If you’re looking for some pointers on how to pack for business travel, then you are in the right place.

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an ear of corn in a field

Corn? Or, The Best Writing Lessons I Learned in High School

Category: Copywriting, Educational

How many times did you ask, “When will we actually use this?” in high school? I have yet to solve the quadratic equation in my professional life, but these lessons I learned in AP English junior year have stuck with me. Shoutout to Mrs. Hoye!

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fireworks with hazy red and green smoke

Welcome to My Freakin’ Blog!

Category: Code, Copywriting, Just For Fun

I’m SO excited to present to you my very first blog post, on my very own blog! In order to explain what this moment means to me, the fact that YOU are here reading this text, I’d like to take you on a trip back in time. The year is 2015…

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a pen and purple flowers atop a sheet of paper with cursive writing

To the New Copywriter: Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Starting Out

Category: Copywriting, Educational

I’ve been writing copy for a while and I’d like to think I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. Some of those lessons I really wish I’d learned sooner, so now I pass them along to you, the new copywriter, to give you a head start.

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